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I will be loud when it comes to treating everyone with decency and grace.

Writer's picture: Jessa WrightJessa Wright

Updated: Dec 14, 2020

Ok. I’ve had this bottled up for a while and sometimes I just need to burst a little to get things off of my chest, and hopefully cause a little inward reflection.

I AM SO UPSET about how people who I know are good are handling themselves right now. With that being said—GUESS what? That’s your right. Act like a complete turd— say how you feel. Congrats, that’s what our 1st amendment right is all about. You better believe I will stand up if anyone ever tried to take that away—FROM ANYBODY—even if I don’t agree.

What I will not tolerate from either side dismissing others as human beings because they don’t agree with 100% of what YOU believe is right. I am seeing the people who claim they want to“UNIFY” calling the others inbred, trash, mouth breathers, and racists because they believed their values aligned with a particular party. EVEN IF YOU DON’T THINK YOU CAN BELIEVE ONE WAY AND VOTE ANOTHER—is it a possibility that people see this world through a different set of eyes, different life experiences? Seek first to understand. Isn’t that what you are asking of others?

I’ve seen the other side dismiss people they don’t understand simply because they don’t understand —or ever try for one second to sympathize with something they can’t relate to. This bothers me. Intolerance is RAMPANT on the opposing sides. There is intolerance for people who aren’t tolerant!!! DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE???

Regardless of who ends up in the Oval Office, if we as an American people can’t pull all the layers of wool from over our eyes to see that we are ALL created in the image of God. We are ALL God’s children and he LOVES- EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of us, the “good” the “bad” the hurting and the hateful— we will destroy everything our forefathers fought for.

What else makes me angry is people saying things like “I hate America right now.” Or “I’m not proud to be an American”—I challenge you to walk your butt into the middle of Arlington Cemetery and look around at the alabaster headstones that represent the fallen who fought for the right for you to even say something like that. I challenge you to travel to a country of people who are desperate and would give up their own flesh and blood for the opportunity to live in our country with the rights and freedoms we have.

Are we an imperfect nation?? YES. Are we divided? YES. But as ugly our past may be or as crazy and tattered we are as a nation right now, we still live in the BEST country on this earth, that undoubtedly has some work to do.

I am not asking you to put on rose colored glasses and take a stance toxic optimism. Our world is a sh*t show right now. It's ok to be sad, scared, angry, and concerned. I am asking you—for the love of all that is holy and good——PLEASE watch your tongue—its lethal—when you have an opportunity to look down your nose, turn your back, or blast hateful speech at someone or about someone. Stop and look inward for a moment. Those who preach LOVE are spewing hate. Those who want to LOVE are becoming hardened because they are told they can’t love unless it means this or this or this. ‘What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”-Matthew 15:11

If you know me, you know you are welcome in my home, you are welcome at my table. I don’t care what the color of your skin is—I want to learn from you. I don’t care how worthless you may think you are, I value you. I will teach my children to love yours. If you’re hungry, I’ll feed you. If you are dirty, I’ll clean you up. I don’t care where you sleep or who you sleep with, I will show you kindness and acceptance—-and ask you to go on a double date. If you are sad, I’ll turn flips to make you smile—or if you want to cry, I’ll pour a glass of wine and cry with you.

It hurts my heart to see people devalue others because ultimately—we are all people with the certain inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness——even if other people don’t agree with how you go after those things.

I choose to be silent on my political stance but I will be loud when it comes to treating everyone with decency and grace.

If you don’t agree with anything I said—that’s your right—and don’t you forget it.

……because it's also mine. Love ya! Xoxo, Jessa

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